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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 868
Estimated value:
1031.70 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
1.19 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 47
Total companies: 0

Act type: Proposed by:

Do you agree with the following question:

Hi dear shareholders we know that our stock was at 2sd place at first but now we are 4th place and our stock became inactive for a few days and i am managing this company alone we want to comeback to our powerful stock company I have many idea for becoming a good SC
1-please dont sell your shares from Wednesday to Saturday and let us to offer the SC shares for sale just put your offer on Sunday , Monday, Tuesday, please
2- please say to your friends to come and buy shares from our SC
3-please invite your country citizens to becoming a shareholder in our SC with your country shout box or Setrade channel
4-please done sell your shares under than 3.35 even you have debt

5- i dont know what are you doing with your money, the first stock in iran is paying dividend about our dividends and their share price is lower than our shares prices but our value per share is higher than their shares
I am trying for inviting new shareholders in our SC but if you go on selling your shares i cant do this for ever so please help me money will come in our stock at soon and new shareholders will some at soon if you help me so please dont sell your shares
with special thanks Davidmo

اصلاحيه ورژن فارسي
فقط قسمت ١ اشکال داشت که تصحيح شد

١.سهام ها رو ٣ روز يعني از يکشنبه تا سه شنبه فقط واسه فروش بزاريد بقيه روزها(چهارشنبه پنجشنبه و جمعه و شنبه) اجازه بديد فقط سهام جبهه ملي تو افر ها باشه

11 years ago

Voting finished
11 years ago



Supporting shareholders Shareholders against

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