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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 868
Estimated value:
1031.70 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
1.19 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 47
Total companies: 0

Act type: Proposed by:

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به نام خدا
ابتدا گزارش کلي از اين چند هفته ميدم که با تلاش KaMRaN و ahmadreza danger تونستيم مقدار زيادي سهام بفروشيم که بعد از بررسي هايي که شد دو کمپاني گيفت و الماس خريداري شد و الان هم سرمايه کافي براي زدن کمپاني کيو ۵ رو هم داريم ولي به دليل مسايلي که اين چند روزه پيش اومده متاسفانه نميشه تصميم گرفت که کدام کمپاني و کجا زده بشه ولي بعد از اين کشمکش هاي نظامي يک کمپاني کيو پنج با نظر سنجي شما سهام داران عزيز زده ميشه ولي موضوع اصلي سود دوره قبل هست که اگه اون پرداخت ميشد الان اين کمپاني هاي گيفت و الماس رو نداشتيم ممنون از همه که کمک کردين ولي نظر بعضي دوستان اين بود که بخاطر اينکه دوره قبل سود ندادين اين دوره سود رو بيشتر بدين که بايد بگم اين موضوع امکان نداره چون ارزش سهام به شدت سقوط ميکنه و تمام تلاش هاي اين چند هفته به هدر ميره از همتون خواهش ميکنم که در فروختن سهام ها ما رو کمک کنين که اگه اين سهام ها فروخته بشه خودتون هم سود ميکنيد
ممنون از همه


In The Name Of God

first of all i will report you of our hard work for selling lots of share by me and KaMRaN
and ahmadreza danger and after researching we have bought Gift and Diamond companies and now we have enough money to make them Q5 but because of this last events we can not make decision where and which company we should create eventually after this military events we will create a Q5 company by your opinions but the main subject is if we have paid you the last period benefits we could not have this companies but some of you said this because we have not paid you the past weeks we have to increase the benefits this time which i have to tell it can not be because the value of the shares will fall badly and all this hard work will be vanished and i want to ask you to help us in selling shares because if we sell this shares you guys would benefit more and more.

THANK ALL OF YOU David Davidmo

11 years ago

Voting finished
11 years ago



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