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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 220
Estimated value:
2286.92 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
10.40 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 1
Total companies: 7

Company statute

Monsters, Inc. is currently a privately held firm.

All money will be reinvested into more companies to increase future profit, we are not going to pay dividend in the foreseeable future. All gold from shares will be invested into companies.

Short Term Goals:

Get a Q5 Oil Company
Get a Q1 Ticket Company

Stock price:


Type Status Time
Change nationality Accepted 4 years ago
Change nationality Accepted 9 years ago
Pay dividend Failed 9 years ago
Propose CEO Accepted 9 years ago
Sack CEO Accepted 9 years ago

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Citizen Role
Ockey5 Company manager
Ockey5 Supply manager
Ockey5 Accountant
Ockey5 CEO


Company Type Location
Freedom FIghters iron Q5 #2 q5 Iron
USA - USA Pacific Coast
Freedom Fighters wep Q5 #4 q5 Q5 Weapon
Canada - Northern Canada
Freedom Grain Q5 q5 Grain
Ukraine - Central Ukraine
James P. Sullivan Weps q1 Q1 Weapon
USA - Central USA
James P. Sullivan Weps 2 q1 Q1 Weapon
USA - Western USA
perez Q2 q1 Q1 Weapon
Mexico - Central Mexico
Q1 NPC weapons :) q1 Q1 Weapon
Mexico - Northern Mexico


You know that you to get investors attention you need a dividend?
*Investment captain flies away*
IamBlaze (Citizen) posted 9 years ago

Why was my role removed? I made a good investment for you guys. The value of ire is now valuable just like I said if would be -__- I was still helping, was gonna come back once everything settled
Atmosphere (Citizen) posted 11 years ago

Just so you know, the reason why I bought it from myself was because I had accidentally bought it hahaha.
Atmosphere (Citizen) posted 11 years ago

i dont remember
Ockey5 (CEO) posted 11 years ago

This is pissing me off, I forgot how to post monetary market offers via the SC, ockey remind me?
Atmosphere (Citizen) posted 11 years ago

IEP monetary value will be rising soon. Should I buy up more or leave it as is?
Atmosphere (Citizen) posted 11 years ago

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Shares market:



NOTE: Shares will be bought instantly if there is corresponding sale offer on the market. Otherwise it will added to the orders sheet.

Offered shares(Ask):
Volume Price Seller
No offers

Buy orders(Bid):
Volume Price Buyer
No offers

Latest transactions:
Volume Price Time
8.96 Gold
9 years ago
4.22 Gold
9 years ago
4.02 Gold
9 years ago
4.02 Gold
9 years ago
4.02 Gold
9 years ago
0.10 Gold
9 years ago
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Volume Citizen
220 (100.0%)

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