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 reo tha Godking

Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 50
Estimated value:
12332.58 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
246.65 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 1
Total companies: 28

Company statute

This is currently a private stock company created only for the use of business management and to help fund eUSA , Supreme Bankai, and We the People . If I ever decide to go public, shares will only be made available to a select few.

Stock price:


Type Status Time
Pay dividend Accepted 1 year ago
Pay dividend Accepted 1 year ago
Pay dividend Accepted 1 year ago
Pay dividend Accepted 1 year ago
Pay dividend Accepted 1 year ago

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Citizen Role
reo tha Godking CEO
reo tha Godking Company manager
reo tha Godking Supply manager
reo tha Godking Accountant


Company Type Location
Reo Airlines q5 Q5 Ticket
Mexico - Central Mexico
Reo Airlines II q5 Q5 Ticket
Spain - Andalusia
Reo Defense q5 Q5 Defense System
Spain - Castile Leon
Reo Defense II q3 Q3 Hospital
Canada - Alberta
Reo Defense III q1 Q1 Defense System
Spain - Galicia
Reo Diamonds q5 Diamonds
Portugal - Azores
Reo Edibles q5 Q5 Food
Guatemala - Xela
reo Farm q5 Grain
Canada - Canada East Coast
Reo Food q5 Q5 Food
Spain - Castile Leon
Reo Gifts q5 Q5 Gift
Spain - Galicia
Reo Gifts II q5 Q5 Gift
USA - Central USA
Reo Gifts III q5 Q5 Gift
Spain - Castile-La Mancha
Reo Gifts IV q5 Q5 Gift
Canada - Manitoba
Reo Hospital q5 Q5 Hospital
Canada - Quebec
Reo Iron q5 Iron
USA - USA Pacific Coast
Reo Iron II q5 Iron
USA - USA Pacific Coast
Reo Madeira q5 Wood
Spain - Castile Leon
Reo Madeira II q5 Wood
USA - USA East Coast
Reo Stone q5 Stone
Mexico - Mexico Pacific Coast
Reo Weapons q5 Q5 Weapon
Mexico - Northern Mexico
Reo Weapons II q5 Q5 Weapon
USA - Central USA
Reo Weapons III q5 Q5 Weapon
Spain - Castile Leon
Reo Weapons IV q5 Q5 Weapon
Mexico - Baja California
Reo Weapons V q5 Q5 Weapon
USA - USA Gulf of Mexico
Reo Weapons VII q5 Q5 Weapon
Mexico - The Bajio
Reo Weapon VI q5 Q5 Weapon
USA - Central USA
The Reo Stone Company q5 Stone
Mexico - Mexico Pacific Coast
USA Diamonds Q5 q5 Diamonds
Mexico - Yucatan Peninsula


I c U
ansisLtd (Citizen) posted 8 years ago

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NOTE: Shares will be bought instantly if there is corresponding sale offer on the market. Otherwise it will added to the orders sheet.

Offered shares(Ask):
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Volume Citizen
50 (100.0%)
reo tha Godking

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