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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 100
Estimated value:
8854.56 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
88.55 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 1
Total companies: 17

Company statute

This private SC of friend
All Company, money, supplies belong all us here
All action like transfer supplies free from there need agree of half member except transfer to our MU or use it for our battle

Prio of this SC is save money, stuff for Vietnamese and share equal for all people help us

* This SC accept sell product for 0.01 and donation gold back SC
** In case we have problem when get product = 0.01 cc, we will vote it is steal or not, it is our decision not decision of anyone out side. Each member have 1 vote (equal for all not depend % share), more vote will win
*** This SC dont sell share for any one not in our group and not issue share too
****This SC not dividend , gold from here can come our MU if needed for help our member grow up, buy merc ...

Sub Company
In Serbia :

*Mu can take supplies free from here :

Stock price:


Type Status Time
Pay dividend Accepted 6 years ago
Pay dividend Accepted 6 years ago
Pay dividend Rejected 6 years ago
Pay dividend Accepted 6 years ago
Pay dividend Accepted 6 years ago

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Citizen Role
maidoremi1809 Company manager
maidoremi1809 Supply manager
maidoremi1809 Accountant
romrerach Company manager
romrerach Supply manager
romrerach Accountant
anhnv2011 CEO
anhnv2011 Company manager
anhnv2011 Supply manager
anhnv2011 Accountant
zombiehero Company manager
Account Company manager
Genova Company manager
zombiehero Accountant
economic captain Company manager
Account Supply manager
zombiehero Supply manager
Account Accountant
Genova Supply manager
economic captain Supply manager
Genova Accountant
economic captain Accountant


Company Type Location
Q5 Diamond # 1 q5 Diamonds
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Northern Bosnia
Q5 Iron #2 q5 Iron
Philippines - Northwest Vietnam
Q5 Iron #3 q5 Iron
Philippines - Northwest Vietnam
Q5 Oil #1 q5 Oil
Philippines - Central Highlands
Q5 Oil #2 q5 Oil
Philippines - Pahang
Q5 Ticket #1 q5 Q5 Ticket
Philippines - Kuala Lumpur
Q5 Ticket #2 q5 Q5 Ticket
Philippines - Northern Peninsular-Malaysia
Q5 Weapons #11 q5 Q5 Weapon
Philippines - Kuala Lumpur
Thailand Ticket Q1 #1 q1 Q1 Ticket
Philippines - Southern Peninsular-Malaysia
VietNam Q5 Weapons #1 q5 Q5 Weapon
Philippines - Central Highlands
VietNam Q5 Weapons #2 q5 Q5 Weapon
Philippines - Southeast Vietnam
VietNam Q5 Weapons #3 q5 Q5 Weapon
Philippines - Southeast Vietnam
VietNam Q5 Weapons #4 q5 Q5 Weapon
Philippines - Northeast Vietnam
VietNam Q5 Weapons #5 q5 Q5 Weapon
Philippines - Northeast Vietnam
VietNam Q5 Weapons #6 q5 Q5 Weapon
Philippines - South Central Coast
VietNam Q5 Weapons #7 q5 Q5 Weapon
Philippines - South Central Coast
VietNam Q5 Weapons #8 q5 Q5 Weapon
Philippines - North Central Coast

Shouts: Price in usa day 2007
anhnv2011 (CEO) posted 6 years ago

D 1779 take 72.78 gold via mm because i send double times money from sell product to SC (lagging)
anhnv2011 (CEO) posted 7 years ago

D 1709 take 1k weapon, sell and give to our mu
anhnv2011 (CEO) posted 7 years ago

D 1707 take 21k q5 weapon, sell and sent to our mu
anhnv2011 (CEO) posted 7 years ago

D 1702 Take 10000 Q5 weapon and sent to our mu
anhnv2011 (CEO) posted 7 years ago

D 1698 I sent 360 gold from MU to SC
anhnv2011 (CEO) posted 7 years ago

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Shares market:



NOTE: Shares will be bought instantly if there is corresponding sale offer on the market. Otherwise it will added to the orders sheet.

Offered shares(Ask):
Volume Price Seller
No offers

Buy orders(Bid):
Volume Price Buyer
No offers

Latest transactions:
Volume Price Time
1.00 Gold
6 years ago
1.00 Gold
6 years ago
1.00 Gold
6 years ago
1.00 Gold
6 years ago
1.00 Gold
6 years ago
1.00 Gold
6 years ago
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Volume Citizen
100 (100.0%)

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