Esim - Gold Usage Update - Days 215 to 228

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Gold Usage Update - Days 215 to 228 (Old article)
Posted 11 years ago by
Phelps McManus    

Welcome to the ninth article in my continuing series on Gold Usage, covering Days 215 to 228 (March 28th through April 10th).

As pointed out by You say fyrom i say FUCK YOU in comments to my last article , my gold usage calculations are based on specific prices for weapons. I do not change that price because a) for relative comparisons it doesn't really matter and b) I am lazy.

However, the prices I have used since my very first article were woefully antiquated. Starting with this article, I am using a new set of weapon values as follows:

Q1 : 0.040g
Q2 : 0.069g
Q3 : 0.125g
Q4 : 0.185g
Q5 : 0.228g

These prices were based on markets in Poland, Greece, Serbia, Hungary, and South Korea. I used median prices for high demand qualities (Q1, Q3, and Q5) and minimum prices for low demand qualities (Q2, Q4). I still do not plan to track the market week to week, so these values will be used in many future articles or until Speedy complains again.

Obviously, this change will skew comparisons between this period and the last, so I will try to keep those comparisons to a minimum. For instance, I reported last period that global spending was 120,365g. Using today's market prices, spending was actually 147,008g. So prices have inflated 22.1% since I checked them for my first article several months ago.

Overall weapon expenditures were up 6.4% this period, increasing from 147,008g to 156,362g. Below are trends breaking down usage by weapon quality:

Almost too small to tell, but overall weapon usage is up less than 1%. Q1's had dipped 2% around the end of March, but recovered and continued their original ever-upward trajectory. Q5 usage spiked at the beginning of this month, but has plummeted recently. Likely culprit: too expensive.

Countries Ranked by Total Gold Spent on Weapons

After defending against a few suicide attacks to its core, Poland has reduced its weapon usage by over 10% while remaining the world's largest spender by a large margin. Meanwhile, Lithuania ramped up their war machine to conquer Sweden and spent the second highest amount of gold on weapons.

Perhaps most interesting on this list is USA, which somehow managed to reverse its downward slide by increasing Q5 usage by over 60%. I am not sure where the funds are coming from given their lack of regions. Obviously they are either buying gold or selling assets.

Countries Ranked by Average Gold Spent on Weapons per *Active Citizen

*Active: someone who fought during this period.

South Korea took the top slot on a Per Capita basis with their out-sized spending on Q5 weapons and stable Q1 base. Denmark's fall is giving rise to Peru, as Blitzkrieg slowly makes their transition between the two countries.

After enjoying many weeks of conquest and defacto VVV support, Canada's brief period of prosperity came crashing down this week, as President ohlauu put the proverbial farm to the torch while he was being impeached.

Military Units Ranked by Total Gold Spent on Weapons

Maybe "Glory to Vanquished" is permanent. Personally, I really had my heart set on "Nitra hyphen Trencin Tax Collectors". For now, I will still refer to them as Gloria Victis .

GV's spending fell substantially along with their damage. As a Military Unit, they would not have even been able to break into the list of top 10 countries, with Croatia's 5,037g edging out GV's meager 4,949g. They still use more Q5 weapons than any country outside of Poland, but ultimately their damage paid the price, falling 23% from 825 million down to 637 million.

You may notice that MARVEL managed to do almost as much damage but spent 1,600 (33%) less gold. Such is the power of Q1 weapons.

Outside of a reborn group of elite clowns, you have to go fairly deep into this list to get out of VVV members or known affiliates. UWS is showing that VVV is not invincible, but we will see if they can truly afford to compete.

Citizens Ranked by Total Gold Spent on Weapons

Rec was unable to match his previous record of 3,000 Q5 weapons, but still kept a healthy lead by spending 661g on weapons over the last 2 weeks (47g/day).

South Korean up-and-comer caesium eked out Serbian(???) You say fyrom i say FUCK YOU for second place.

The top two Swedes on this list are now flying Malaysia's flag (along with Rec), as Vikings has re-branded itself as "Three Kings", swapping ice and snow for... Malaysian stuff... microchips? Anyway, this will surely put a serious dent and/or nail into Sweden's liberation efforts while bolstering pro-VVV Malaysia.

Most Expensive Battle

The most expensive battle was Gotaland with 6,074g worth of weapons used:

Q1 : 77,982
Q2 : 908
Q3 : 8,503
Q4 : 67
Q5 : 7,969

The defenders spent 493 more gold, mostly on an extra 15,996 Q1 weapons. Sadly for them, the attackers out-fisted them 22,589 to 3,775.

Gold Usage Series:
1) Days 103 - 116
2) Days 117 - 130
3) Days 131 - 144
4) Days 145 - 158
5) Days 159 - 172
6) Days 173 - 186
7) Days 187 - 200
8) Days 201 - 214

Previous article:
Clutch Update - Day 206 to 219 (11 years ago)

Next article:
Clutch Update - Day 220 to 233 (11 years ago)

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In E-Sim we have a huge, living world, which is a mirror copy of the Earth. Well, maybe not completely mirrored, because the balance of power in this virtual world looks a bit different than in real life. In E-Sim, USA does not have to be a world superpower, It can be efficiently managed as a much smaller country that has entrepreneurial citizens that support it's foundation. Everything depends on the players themselves and how they decide to shape the political map of the game.

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The international war.

The last and probably the most important module is military. In E-Sim, countries are constantly fighting each other for control over territories which in return grant them access to more valuable raw materials. For this purpose, they form alliances, they fight international wars, but they also have to deal with, for example, uprisings in conquered countries or civil wars, which may explode on their territory. You can also take part in these clashes, although you are also given the opportunity to lead a life as a pacifist who focuses on other activities in the game (for example, running a successful newspaper or selling products).

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